In only two short days we’ll be sitting at the start of another new year.

We’ve been through a couple of rough years – with interest rates at historical highs, investments at unusually low levels, technologies pushing agencies and marketers to change, evolve, and assume risks.

But this coming year is going to be different, right?

It can be if marketers simply offer up a small handful of new year resolutions:

  1. Be patient – results don’t happen overnight.
  2. Be transparent and open with your agency.
  3. Treat your agency like a partner, not a vendor.
  4. Let your agency push you out of your comfort zone a bit.
  5. Push your agency out of their comfort zone a bit.
  6. Expect and hopefully get, smart, strategic thinking from your agency.
  7. Figure out if and how Ai fits into your marketing universe.
  8. Don’t fire your agency as you roll into the new year simply because they’re an easy scapegoat for poor business performance.
  9. Clearly outline expectations, goals, objectives.  Let your agency know what you’re working to achieve.
  10. Know when an agency is better than your in-house team.  Your team might be cheaper, but are they better for your business?

Here are a couple of bonus resolutions for you:

  1. If you decide that a new agency is the right move for your business, seek out some help in finding great firms.
  2. Don’t pay for the search – with RSW/AgencySearch, you don’t have to.
  3. Don’t assume that you’ve got the best agencies, just because someone referred them.
  4. Clearly define your needs and the scope of what you’re looking for when searching for a new firm.
  5. Use a multi-dimensional approach to searching for the best firm.
  6. Give RSW/AgencySearch a call (513-293-6785) or drop us a line (  We’ve been helping marketers find better agencies (at no cost to the marketer), since 2010.

Happy New Year!

Here’s to a great 2025!!