You Marketers are Changing the Way

You marketers are changing the way of traditional agency search firms!

The world of agency search firms is changing not because it wants to…but because of the way you, the marketer are managing your business.

In one of our recent agency-marketer business surveys, 59% of marketers state that 26%+ of the work that they give to agencies is project based.

37% of marketers say that over half of the work they are assigning is project based work.

This can be good for agencies as it gives them more opportunities to work for you.  Gives them a chance to show you what they can do for your business without you having to go all-in.

But not such great news for the traditional search consultants.

Traditional search consultants that rely on big searches, paying big consulting fees, simply aren’t as robust as they once were.  So they’ll either have to find new ways to bring in those big fees to support those big money consultants, or they’ll struggle.

Just because you’re pushing out more work in the form of projects versus full-on retainers doesn’t mean you don’t need help finding better agencies.

While “sampling” agencies with project type work lowers the risk bar, it’s still a commitment you have to make to your business and it still requires time – finding the best agency to meet the needs of what you’re trying to achieve.

At RSW/AgencySearch, we’ve set up our model differently and can manage the needs of marketers differently…and considerably less expensively.

Sure, we’ve done plenty of big searches, but we have also helped marketers find better agencies for smaller assignments and even projects.

So not only can we more easily help you find a better agency for a special project at little to no cost to you, but we can also help you find a new digital shop or full service agency to manage all of your business – without charging you a dime or costing you far less than a typical search firm.

So if you’re in the market for a new agency – project or not – drop us a line ( or give us a call (513-559-3101).

The traditional agency search firm might be suffering because of the changing nature of how you are operating, but the unique nature of our methodology and our business structure enables us to continue to be of value to you, the marketer…and we’re happy to help!


Mark has been operating in the marketing and advertising space for the past 35 years. Mark started his career at DDB Needham. He spent close to 10 years working in marketing for SC Johnson and KAO brands. And after a 7-year stint working for a global new product concept testing firm where he managed the company’s largest client, Colgate Palmolive, Mark started RSW/US in 2005 and RSW/AgencySearch in 2010.

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