We recently completed a survey among marketers and agencies which, in part, evaluated the technology needs of marketers. We wanted to understand what challenges were most pressing and then juxtaposition marketer needs to agencies’ use of similar technologies to meet the needs of their marketing clients.
Some pretty remarkable differences for sure.
Key findings from the survey
In the survey, we uncovered some concerning differences between what marketers say they will focus on relative to their marketing efforts, and what their agency counterparts are (not) doing.
Marketers Challenges that Worry them Most
We asked marketers to define the marketing challenges that worry them most. The top responses focused on optimizing marketing spends, personalizing experiences, and looking at experiences in a more holistic way:
- “Tracking marketing effectiveness and media spend.”
- “Getting a holistic view of customers across all interactions.”
- “Personalizing the customer experience without violating customer privacy.”
Marketer Technology Needs
And when asked about the technology needs of marketers, and which marketing technology platforms their companies would likely adopt in the next 1-2 years, either via help from their agency, or on their own, the top responses were:
- “General audience analytics”
- “Site content and experience optimization”
- “Online retargeting”
- “Cross-channel measurement and attribution”
All very valid concerns among marketers and seemingly sound areas for them to be focusing on in the coming years.
The good news for agencies is marketers are spelling their needs out pretty clearly.
It is all right there, plain as day…now agencies just need to execute against it.
Agencies Need to Re-Focus
The bad news is only a small handful of agencies are steeped in the technology areas marketers seem to need most.
The tools least used by agencies are things that directly help address the primary needs and challenges of marketers.
- Only 57% of agencies are using audience analytics tools.
- Only 17% are using cross-channel measurement & attribution tools.
- Only 14% are using predictive modeling tools.
- And only 13% are using cross-channel audience identification tools.
What this Means for You, the Marketer
Without a doubt, our marketing and advertising world is getting more complex by the day.
The need for marketing agencies to add value beyond the scope of what they produce for their clients is also growing by the day.
Marketing clients are being put under increasing pressure to deliver returns on their investments, faster than ever before.
And that investment includes their agencies.
So your agency needs to define your needs, prioritize, and invest.
Or they at the very least, need to be in a position to support the growing needs of their marketing partners.
Marketers have told us in our past surveys that they are much more open today than they were, say 5-7 years ago, letting their lead agency be the curator/contractor for best-in-class services. In our last survey incorporating this topic, 70% of marketers said they felt this way. Dialing back the clock 5-7 years ago, marketers expected their agency partners to have everything under one roof/within their four walls.
Today, the complexity of our collective space makes it harder for agencies to do this…and marketers recognize this.
Key is for your agency to step up and be proactive in the practice of bettering your business.
Drop Us a Line if You’re Looking for a Better Firm
If your agency isn’t being proactive or you’re just feeling like there has to be a better alternative out there, feel free to give us a call or drop us a line (513-293-6785/mark@rswas.com). We are a no-cost way for marketers like you, to find a best-in-class marketing agency (www.rswagencysearch.com).