Marketer mistakes when searching for a new marketing agency isn’t something that happens regularly…but it does happen and they can be avoided.
Searching for an agency is no easy task.
So many to choose from.
So little time.
So difficult to sort out the realities from the dog and pony shows.
And the other thing that is often hanging over a search is that it is usually driven by an event like poor business results, new management, agency falling down on service, performance, or technology.
Here are 10 mistakes marketers make at times when either managing a search or working with a firm like ours to help them manage a search:
- Move too quickly. Rushing a search rarely leads to a great agency selection. Give yourself 2 months.
- Move too slowly. Delaying decisions or stringing out the process can affect motivation and interest.
- Not give agencies enough time. You want their best thinking. Give them 3 weeks to prepare a pitch.
- Get too many people involved. Everybody is a creative critic – even the finance guy. Keep it to 3-4.
- Not get the right people involved. Keep the decision maker involved from the get-go….if you’re not it.
- Not ask the right questions upfront. Don’t just find out the basics. See if they’ve dealt with your challenges.
- Not talking with the agencies before the pitch. Gives you a chance to get to know them.
- Not put the time into creating a sound scope of search. Define the parameters upfront and all will benefit.
- Not letting the agency ask questions. Questions ask can be a reflection of the agency’s smarts.
- Not providing feedback. The agency industry won’t improve if they don’t know where they fell down.
All of these things are easy enough to avoid. Key is anticipating your needs and planning appropriately.
If you need help our perspective, happy to provide it.
Searches can be a fun and exciting time. They shouldn’t be a burden on you or those involved – including the agencies you’re evaluating.
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