Posts filed under: Advertising Agencies

It’s the little things that (also) matter in an agency search. I just completed three sets of final pitch presentations for three separate searches we are running.  Two in the franchise space and one in the banking/credit union space. In...
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In this short, 2 minute video, RSW/AgencySearch Owner and President Mark Sneider discusses marketing Technology and your agency’s readiness. Click on the image or link below to view this video: Technology and Your Agency Partner Your agency needs to be...
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Chemistry in an agency search is key. Finding the right chemistry with the right agency is almost as important as finding the right agency with the right set of experiences and expertise. I hear this a lot on the agency...
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Two very interesting things happened this week in the world of marketing agencies. One dealt with the whole Pepsi/Kendall Jenner thing.  Talked about that in the previous post. The other interesting thing was Marc Pritchard’s speech at the 4A’s Transformation...
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Two very interesting things happened this week in the world of advertising agencies that might cause a marketer to take pause. These things might cause a marketer to ask whether or not the direction they are moving in with their...
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I started RSW/AgencySearch with the objective of giving marketers of good name, but not huge spends, an opportunity to use an organized search process without having to pay a dime. I also started it because I saw a lot of...
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Ever visited a marketing agency website and wondered what the heck the agency actually did? Or have you ever visited a marketing agency website to look for work relevant to your category and found it harder than heck to locate?...
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When Leo Burnett left his Agency, he told employees that in order for the Agency to succeed long-term, they needed to continuously add value to their clients’ lives otherwise they would just be like everyone else. They needed to be...
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I just finished presenting a webinar to about 100 agencies that in part, helped them understand that they need to start thinking about things differently if they expect to survive long-term. And it goes a lot further than just doing...
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In our latest New Year Outlook survey, we asked marketing agencies and marketers to tell us what troubles them most about each other. This is the third year in a row we’ve asked this question and every year we seem...
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