Posts filed under: Agency Search

When the time comes to give your brand image a makeover many businesses choose to hire an outside agency to handle this task due to their industry knowledge and experience. However, you can’t just go and choose any old agency....
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If you’re like most marketers, I’m guessing you get inundated with agency phone calls, emails, and letters sent from folks trying to get your attention. While I’m sure it can be a real pain in the you know what…there are...
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Ok…I know the title of this post is somewhat nonsensical, but that’s purposeful. Wanted to emphasize the point that looking at too many agencies when in a review of new firms – simply isn’t a good thing. When I hear...
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Your marketing results hinge on successful partnerships with agencies. Outsourcing fills in the gaps across digital and traditional marketing so you can focus on the bigger picture. This is why it’s vital to have good agency-client relationships that are built around trust, cooperation, and...
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When digital media first entered the picture, it was all the rage. To some extent it still is….but its role has changed. Back in the day, agencies and marketers looked at digital as something special and different…treated it independent of...
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Marketing agencies are funny creatures. There’s probably no other industry in the world that operates the way agencies do.  And no other industry in the world that is under such intense pressure as the technology space, client space, and talent...
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An external viewpoint is a great way to think outside the box and think like your customer. Finding better marketing agencies requires identifying matching philosophies and award-winning work, but these tips will ensure you have the right partner. The size of the project...
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The big agency pitch. The moment when an agency is one step away from landing a new client relationship. But the pitch is where things can go awry if you take the wrong direction. Although an agency makes pitches on...
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Entrusting any portion of your marketing efforts to an agency can be a stressful proposition. If the agency ends up pushing your company down the wrong path with the wrong strategy, then the ramifications can be significant for both your...
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Pitches are a necessary evil for most agencies. They require a lot of time and energy, but then often don’t result in getting a project. As such, many agencies tend to gloss over the pitch with a generic template. As...
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