All posts by: Mark Sneider

For those that haven’t yet heard, the agency world saw a huge acquisition earlier this week, as Accenture purchased creative firm Droga5. What are the implications of the $200+ million move, and how does it change the landscape for marketers...
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I saw an interesting article in AdWeek a few days ago, and while I don’t agree with all of it, there is a point that I liked and wanted to expand on: the idea of letting your agency be an...
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How many of you get inundated with calls and emails from MarTech firms trying to sell you the best of whatever it is they are selling? I’m guessing it’s many, if not all of you. I did an informal survey...
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Your marketing group is designed and structured for maximum performance. So should the design and structure of the marketing firms that support it too. There are lots of ways you can set up your portfolio of marketing support services. There...
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When you make an investment, you expect to see results; hiring a marketing agency should be no different. That’s why it continues to surprise us that a significant gap exists between the respective expectations and priorities of agencies and marketers...
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Last week we talked about something called “Silly Season,” the time of year when marketers look to make an agency change as part of their New Year adjustments. We cautioned against making a change for its own sake, as too...
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It’s the beginning of a new year, which means a few silly (and not so silly) things: Your last few weeks have hopefully been spent relaxing and recharging with friends and family Your New Year’s Resolutions are likely still alive...
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I just left an agency search where the client was insistent on bringing in two agencies I recommended against bringing in. One was very tactical and one was limited in depth of experience in the sector the client operated in....
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Thanks to our work on agency searches, we hear a wide variety of questions asking us for tips on how to fine-tune the process. For all the companies looking to make the search easier and more painless, a surprising number...
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I’ve been helping marketers look for best-in-class marketing agencies since the start of 2010 when we helped Citrix look for a new digital media planning & buying firm (they’re still working with them today). Not unlike Citrix, the 35+ marketers...
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