If you decide to use a search firm like RSW/AgencySearch to help you find a new agency, you want to hear the firm tell you:
“My job is to make it as difficult as possible for you to make a decision”.
Anyone can manage a search. Anyone can pick up the phone book or work with a pre-determined set of agencies to present you in a search, but few have access to databases of 6,000+ agencies. Few of them are constantly in contact with agencies throughout the year. Few of them conduct annual surveys to understand the needs of marketers and how they match up to the deliverables of agencies. And finally, none of them currently manage agency-client relationships giving them unique insights into the success factors that make for great connections between agencies and marketers.
Regardless of their skill sets or their backgrounds, at the end of the day you want your search firm (or the consultant representing you) to make it very hard to make a choice.
We just completed two searches: one for Legrand and one for Mercy. In both cases, the marketers told us that we presented three great agencies and in both cases they had a tough time making a decision among the three agencies that made it to the final pitch presentation.
So what does this mean for you?
I say, if you’re going to hire a firm, ask them pointedly what things they are going to do in the context of your search that’s going to make if hard for you?
If you don’t get a good answer, you might want to re-consider your choice.
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