Posts filed under: Advertising Agencies

No surprises that in our latest RSW/AgencySearch survey marketers say that the bulk of the increases in their spending this year will be in digital marketing and media (e.g. social, banner, SEO). 67% of marketers stated in our latest survey state...
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It amazes me. Over the past 5-6 searches we managed (helping marketers find better marketing agencies at no cost to them) the marketers have all said the same thing: The one thing they don’t want is a marketing agency with...
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In this first of a series of three videos, RSW/AgencySearch discusses the issue of Agency Specialization from its latest National survey among marketers and agencies. Click on the image below to view the video: We were somewhat surprised when we...
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What sort of agency search criteria do marketers use when selecting agencies? Agencies think cost plays a much more significant role in the selection process than marketers suggest.What are the implications for you – as you look at firms? Does...
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I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised when I read our latest National survey among Agencies and Marketers: 2013 RSW/AgencySearch Agency-Marketer National survey. We always knew that agency specialization was important. We see it every day when we represent...
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Changing agencies can be a major undertaking – if you let it be. You got to move intellectual capital, physical capital, restart relationships…it’s like meeting and moving in with a new significant other…a lot of effort for what you hope...
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Simple post about the need to not only have a core group of people leading the process when looking for an agency, but also important to only have key folks driving the train once you find a firm. I’ve seen situations...
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Agencies often think that because they’re strategic and hard working that this is something that differentiates them from other agencies on the planet. Agencies believe that because they don’t bait and switch and Marketers will only work with senior talent...
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If you decide to use a search firm like RSW/AgencySearch to help you find a new agency, you want to hear the firm tell you: “My job is to make it as difficult as possible for you to make a...
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Had a conversation recently with a CMO about the challenges he’s facing managing multiple agencies. He has a decent digital firm and a solid full service agency. Problem for him is two-fold: He is finding that he has to continually...
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